I sometimes forget I am a writer and journalist- mostly because my life is dedicated to writing for others. I decided I needed to get my feelings out through words.
After a recent presentation to a local chapter of large association, lightning struck twice- I say twice because this is the second time someone did something so unethical after I left the stage, it left my jaw agape.
I understand, that I have competition, which is great for many reasons. It keeps me current, it keeps my prices at the right rate, and frankly I can ghostwrite for the world. There only so many hours to write in a day.
Ethics. Doing the right thing. Thinking before you act. Are these just merely ideas that are acted upon when convenient. Should they not be principles we live by?
After the same thing happened to me twice- I begin to wonder.
Ethics, define who we are. I mean who we really are- not just that face you put on, but that face in the mirror. That person we look at with all of the other bullshit stripped away. Who are we really? What are our values? Do we live by those values? Can we look in the mirror and say to ourselves- Yes, you live by the values you set for yourself, no matter what the cost.
I don't want to disparage an entire organization for the actions of a few, so I will withhold names to protect the guilty.
I present around the US on the topic of writing and mistakes people often make that prevent them from finishing their book. I give them clues about what works, and how to work through challenges. I do these presentations, at this point for free. Why? Because, these often result in leads that turn into clients. It is understood that at the end of my talk I can offer packages and services. In both cases, I did not hardsell from the stage. In fact, I gave away my services. Money people paid for consulting all went to the association.
So, I want to you to get the picture- I am presenting for free, I am giving away my services, and the association is making money.
At the first event, after I stepped off the stage, it was announced that someone else at the chapter did the same thing that I did, he had written a book, he was asked to stand up and there was applause.
Wait? What? Was this planned? Was I over reacting- or did they just have me spend an hour giving away valuable information only to promote their local guy?
Maybe it was a fluke right? Maybe they could not see the pain on my face as I just walked out of the room to collect myself.
So, presentation two- this time I offered to give back a percentage of any contract I solidified in the following weeks back to the organization. This would pay for my travel expenses that the local chapter paid and then some. A win-win.
As I am leaving and shaking hands, I notice someone handing out fliers to people. They were bright green, so they were hard to miss. He approached me, said he was in the same industry, and that if I had any overflow, would I mind sending him some work. I tucked the flier in my bag, and made my way to my room.
The next day I pulled it out. It was an advertisement for the exact services I offer. In fact, it indicated he had targeted that very meeting (in which I was one of two key speakers) to come back to the chapter and offer his services.
What? Are you kidding me? Ethics much? Decency and class much?
I don't really see him as competition really. He was offering to barter services. And I got the leads I expected- but the ethics issue really gets under my skin- as it seems pervasive. It's like scabies, making me itch and feel disgusted.
So- you out there? What would you do in this situation? I am slotted to do my talks within this association again in the future.
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